Councillors welcome External Works on high flats

“It’s great news that this work is now eventually taking place,” said Councillor Kenny MacLaren, commenting on external works to Speirsfield and Camphill Courts in Paisley.

Renfrewshire Council has confirmed that repair to the render coating on the external facings of both Speirsfield and Camphill Courts in Paisley.  There was a delay in trying to find a suitable contractor to carry out this work but a contract was recently agreed by the council’s Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board.  The work is due to begin during week commencing 17th July and works are anticipated to last for a period of 4 months (weather permitting).

Previously the council had contacted all residents to make them aware that they had

identified some cracking to the render coating which had been applied to the external facings of the building at both Speirsfield and Camphill Courts.  The Council has continued to monitor external conditions and temporary protective structures and fencing were erected around the entrances and perimeter of the buildings while the council procured a contractor to carry out the repairs. These temporary structures will be completely removed on completion of works.

Councillor Kenny MacLaren added:

“It’s taken a while to find a suitable contractor who able to carry out his work, so it’s great that it’s now due to take place.

Councillor Mags MacLaren said:

“We’ve been asking about this work for a while and I know the council has been desperate to find a suitable contractor but all the problems from Brexit and Covid has made it more difficult to find a reliable contractor, so hopefully this is now all resolved.

“A number of residents have raised their concerns about the scaffolding around the building, but it is there as a safety feature, and will be removed once the work is completed.”